1.Two Shadows 2. Harbour 3. I Called it Love 4. Narrow Boats 5. Daughter 6. This Morning 7. Absolution 8. One Day 9. Offering 10.Just Before Christmas 11. Time for the Wicked to Rest 12. I can't Make You Love Me. 13. The Breath Between
The Breath Between
David Francey’s new album, The Breath Between, is a poignant yet beautiful reminder of the passage of time, or as David describes it in the title track, “the breath between the here and gone”. It is introspective and intimate.
"In a time of uncertainty, we managed to pull together a nice body of work which created much joy in the making." DF
Although David has covered the themes of love and loss before, this album does so in a nostalgic and touching way, capturing a particularly reflective period in his life.

1. Poorer Then 2. Night and Morning 3. The Flower of Colonsay 4. Lonely Road 5. I Know it Won't 6. Blue Sorrow and Then Some 7. Come Sunday 8. Where Harry Sat 9. Only Love 10. Walking in Jerusalem 11. Moon Over Melbourne
The Broken Heart of Everything
David Francey’s album, The Broken Heart of Everything, showcases his extraordinary skill as a lyricist. His so-good-they-could-be-traditional melodies, and themes of the camaraderie of small-town life, the drudgery of the daily grind, the pride in an honest day’s work, the sadness of losing loved ones, the joy of close family connections, and the quiet strength of mature love have struck a chord with audiences around the world.

1. Empty Train 2. Fool 3. Holy Ground 4. Hospital 5. Mirror Ball 6. Big Texas Moon 7. Blue Girl 8. Alli's Wedding 9. Crucible 10. False Knight 11. Money Boys 12. Junkie's Heart
Empty Train
"To me, song writing is a fortunate affliction. I enjoy hearing lyrics come to life. Some of the songs contained here have waited a while to be born, to have life breathed into them. All made it onto the train thanks to my bandmates Mark, Chris and Darren. I could never have made the trip without them." ~ David Francey

1. Rain 2. Cheap Motel 3. Harm 4. Pandora's Box 5. Weather Vane 6. Satellite 7. American Blues 8. A Star Above 9. Long Long Road 10. Ordinary Man 11. Blue Skies 12. Blue Yonder 13. Bitterroot 14. So Say We All
So Say We All
"The songs on this album seem to me to encompass what proved a very difficult year. From the heights of joy to the depths of grief, the lesson learned was to celebrate every day spent on this side of the soil and to keep marching no matter what comes our way. So say we all." ~ David Francey

1 Yesterday's News 2 Pretty Jackals 3 Solitary Wave 4 When I'm Not Thinking About You 5 Wonder 6 Blue Heart of Texas 7 Just the Same 8 Borderlands 9 High Wall 10 I Live in Fear 11 Long Brown Hair 12 Grateful
Late Edition
"Many of the songs recorded here reflect my reaction to news - personal news, local news and world events. It was a great pleasure to work with my good friends Kieran, Fats, Richard and Lucas. This album was recorded live off the floor at Moraine Studios in Nashville. The experience was exhilarating and immediate. I hope that comes through when you listen to Late Edition." ~ David Francey

1 Banks of the Seaway 2 Eastern Gap 3 The Chief Engineer 4 The Seaway 5 The Unloading 6 Climbing Up to The Soo 7 Dustless Road to the Happy Land 8 The Parting 9 There's No Rush 10 Canal 11 The Ballad of Bowser MacRae 12 When You're The Skip 13 Ashtabula 14 21st Century Great Lake Navigators 15 The Bottom of the Great Lakes 16 All Lights Burning Bright
In late May of 2005, David Francey and Mike Ford were granted the incredible opportunity to spend two weeks aboard the MV Algoville. The captain and crew of this 750-foot bulk carrier of the Algoma Central Laker fleet allowed them to witness life onboard first-hand. They sailed from Montreal to Thunder Bay and back along the Saint Lawrence Seaway and the majestic inland sea of the Great Lakes.
This CD is a collection of songs inspired by that trip.

1 Leaving Edmonton 2 Ballad of Bowser MacRae 3 Kansas 4 A Conversation 5 Waves 6 Ferry to Cortez 7 New Jerusalem 8 The Gate 9 Stone Town 10 Promised Land 11 Their Wedding Day 12 Under the Portland Weather 13 All Lights Burning Bright
Right of Passage
"The songs on this album address the different paths my life has taken, both good and bad. Some were written from experience gained aboard an Algoma Central ore carrier. Some were written about people I met out on the road or the places I ended up. Some are memories recalled and described. All deal with transitional moments in life, mileposts on the hopefully long march where we all earn our 'right' of passage." ~ David Francey

1 Good Christian Men Rejoice 2 O Come All Ye Faithful 3 Good King Wenceslas 4 Hark the Harold Angels Sing 5 Silent Night 6 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 7 Angels We Have Heard on High 8 TheFirst Noel 9 I Saw Three Ships 10 O Little Town of Bethlehem 11 We Three Kings 12 The Holly and the Ivy 13 Away in a Manger 14 Joy to the World
Carols for a Christmas Eve
Recorded with David's good friend Kathryn Briggs, at the Old Town Hall in Almonte, Ontario. Just voice and piano, Carols for a Christmas Eve has a simple elegance. Meant to be sung along to, the songs on this CD are no younger than 118 years old!

1 Intro by Jim Blum 2 Paper Boy Intro 3 Paper Boy 4 The Waking Hour Intro 5 The Waking Hour 6 Ashtabula Intro. 7 Ashtabula 8 Broken Glass Intro 9 Broken Glass 10 Tonight in my Dreams Intro 11 Tonight in my Dreams 12 Fourth of July Intro 13 Fourth of July 14 Torn Screen Door 15 Torn Screen Door 16 Morning Train Intro 17 Morning Train 18 Lucky Man Intro 19 Lucky Man
The First Set - Live From Folk Alley
"A lovely digitally preserved moment in the stellar career of one David Francey." ~ Les Siemieniuk, Penguin Eggs Magazine
This recording was made on November 11, at the 39th Annual Kent State Folk Festival, at the Kent Stage in Kent, Ohio. The evening was presented by WKSU (89.7), hosted by Jim Blum and was web cast live as part of FolkAlley.com's 'Live from Folk Alley' online concert series.
The First Set includes the stories behind the songs.

1 The Waking Hour 2 Highway 3 Ankle Tattoo 4 Morning Train 5 Wishing Well 6 Ashtabula 7 Tonight in my Dreams 8 Over You 9 Fourth of July 10 Wanna be Loved 11 Badlands 12 Sunday Morning 13 Gone
Waking Hour
"...his best album to date. The songs are strong and the musicianship is exquisite. Just another brilliant CD to add to his collection of great works" - Chopper MacKinnon, Canadian Spaces
Recorded in Nashville with veteran performers Kieran Kane, Kevin Welch and Fats Kaplin. This collection of original Francey tunes shares the simple recording style of David's first three CDs but adds a driving rhythm provided by these amazing Nashville artists.

1 Skating Rink 2 Broken Glass 3 Exit 4 Come Rain or Come Shine 5 Midway 6 Belgrade Train 7 Streets of Calgary 8 Evening News 9 Grim Cathedral 10 Annie's House 11 Valley's Edge 12 Nearly Midnight 13 A Winter Song
Skating Rink
"[Skating Rink] is something of a tour de force, a collection of 13 reflective pieces that contain countless compelling observations, yarns, confessions, hopes, dreams and regrets, all wrung from lives, homes and landscapes that are hauntingly familiar, undeniably Canadian."
~ Greg Quill, the Toronto Star
The songs on Skating Rink are drawn from various stages of my life. Most were finally written down at the kitchen table where, if you look out the window, you can see the lights of the skating rink throwing at least a small part of the world into sharp relief.

1 Paper Boy 2 Mill Towns 3 Banks of the Seawy 4 Hammers 5 Brakeman's Daughter 6 Flowers of Saskatchewan 7 Saturday Night 8 Highway 9 A Thousand Miles 10 Lucky Man 11 Highwire 12 February Morning Drive 13 Green Fields 14 Things They Do 15 Far End of Summer
Far End of Summer
"With a beautiful simplicity, David Francey's sophomore release [Far End of Summer] is just that, a non-complicated offering of stirring harmonies, acoustic instrumentation and finely crafted lyrics." ~ Martin Kemp, Calgary Record

1 Border Line 2 Hard Steel Mill 3 Sorrows of the Sailor 4 Blue Water 5 Saints and Sinners 6 Sumach Street 7 Wind in the Wires 8 Gypsy Boys 9 Red-winged Blackbird 10 Working Poor 11 St. John's Train 12 Gypsy Boys Reprise 13 Torn Screen Door 14 Long Way Home
Torn Screen Door
"David Francey's Torn Screen Door CD is one of the very best albums I've heard. I've found words and melodies from the album going through my head again and again. Find it and buy it...you won't regret it."
~ Vic Bell, the Nickelodeon, Calgary, Alberta